We are standing outside the State House every day until Massachusetts announces no-new-fossil-fuel-infrastructure legislation. Every day is logged with a picture and summary below. Click on any date to reveal more pictures and info. Join us in this action!

May 23: Today’s Standout was sunny for the morning shift and then light rain for the afternoon shift. As Craig says in his postcards “Here we are again, NNFFI!” Craig and Linden overlapped a bit during the shift transition. Linden stepped up today when we really needed it. These two bring such commitment and deep experience to the Stand-out. Craig reports that tonight after his Standout: “I was at a fundraising party for my Representative in Dorchester tonight and there were several other representatives at the event. One walked up to me and said I know you. And I asked him how. “You are outside of the Hooker entrance every day  We all know you guys.” Persistence pays off.

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