We are standing outside the State House every day until Massachusetts announces no-new-fossil-fuel-infrastructure legislation. Every day is logged with a picture and summary below. Click on any date to reveal more pictures and info. Join us in this action!

June 26th: Today we welcomed Connor for his first shift on “the front line.” We turned our focus to pressuring the House Speaker to get to work on passing a climate bill through the House this session. There were hordes of people at the State House today. A large rally by Labor Unions regarding Project Labor Agreements took place at the front gate around the corner from us on Beacon Street. We had a full and fun interaction with Students from North Hampton ultimate frisbee who came by to chat with us! They were very interested and supportive, all took flyers and talked for a while about climate crisis and XR. One girl told me about flooding she witnessed affect local farms in Western Mass and her family’s food truck unable to operate. She said she wants to get involved locally to help areas impacted by climate change!

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