We are standing outside the State House every day until Massachusetts announces no-new-fossil-fuel-infrastructure legislation. Every day is logged with a picture and summary below. Click on any date to reveal more pictures and info. Join us in this action!

June 25th: Student Journalists from BU actively interviewed our crew today. They were curious, interested and had some probing questions. Healthcare workers were also lobbying today, pushing the clean climate agenda. They are always supportive of our effort. Meanwhile, inside the State House senators were debating a list of amendments to what has come to be called The Plastics Bill. The talking went on late into the evening, but one of our patient observers was able to witness passage of the main bill. Unfortunately, rumor has it that the bill, and other important climate related bills are unlikely to even be brought up in the House during the remainder of the current session. Ever hopeful and enthused we are determined to up the pressure on House Speaker Mariano.

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