We are standing outside the State House every day until Massachusetts announces no-new-fossil-fuel-infrastructure legislation. Every day is logged with a picture and summary below. Click on any date to reveal more pictures and info. Join us in this action!

June 20th: Yesterday being Juneteenth and a state holiday we were able to take a one day break from our vigil. Today the Senate began discussion of the first climate bill. It principally addresses what looks to be a tentative and insufficiently broad effort to reduce plastic pollution. One of our postcards reads: Senate President Spilka, as the Senate votes on climate legislation today know that we are watching. We desperately need action now and we’re counting on you to push that forward as much as humanly possible. Plastics and fossil fuels have no place in bringing about a future for humanity. Do not let those who wish to destroy our planet for the sake of untempered greed continue to do so. What more is there to say?

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